Learn French PDF (free)

Learn French for free with downlodable PDFs

Here you will find all the printable content of this website: you can use it to teach yourself french, for your exams, you can also share the lessons with your friends, colleagues or students… (just dont copy my work on another website, thanks !)

This page includes all the grammar lessons online on this website, all the vocabulary lists, the phrases courses, etc… it’s for beginners, intermediates as well as advanced learners. In a word, this page will be very useful if you are learning the french language. I will update it as soon as I can, if I’m not too busy eating fromage.

Everything is free to download in PDF (really!), just need to click on “click here to download” and the course will open in a new window.

If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat Readerclick here to get it for your computer.

Enjoy !


French vocabulary lists

  1. 100 most common french words   PDF
  2. English words used in french  PDF
  3. farm animals  PDF
  4. wild and zoo animals  PDF
  5. birds  PDF
  6. insects  PDF
  7. aquatic animals  PDF
  8. nature  PDF
  9. colors  PDF
  10. fruits  PDF
  11. vegetables  PDF
  12. days of the week  PDF
  13. months of the year  PDF
  14. Masculine and feminine countries in french  PDF
  15. feelings  PDF
  16. environment  PDF
  17. hotel business and catering   PDF
  18. clothes (1)  PDF
  19. clothes (2)   PDF
  20. travel words  PDF
  21. Astrological signs  PDF
  22. marketing  PDF
  23. computing  PDF
  24. cars  PDF
  25. qualities and defects  PDF
  26. job list  PDF
  27. sales  PDF
  28. advertising PDF
  29. communications  PDF
  30. real estate PDF
  31. insurance PDF
  32. immigration   PDF
  33. tourism  PDF
  34. family  PDF
  35. politics and government  PDF
  36. the human body  PDF
  37. medical words   PDF
  38. halloween words   PDF
  39. Christmas   PDF
  40. Cinema and movies  PDF
  41. job interview  PDF
  42. accounting   PDF
  43. banking  PDF
  44. scientific words   PDF
  45. finance   PDF
  46. airport  PDF
  47. wine PDF
  48. press PDF

French grammar

  1. How to count in french (1-1000)  PDF
  2. Ordinal numbers and fractions (first, third, 1/2, a quarter….)  PDF


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