Basic French words to learn: Medical words
Understanding the correct English-French vocabulary related to medical terms is essential for communicating with healthcare professionals and accessing the appropriate care.
Here is an English-French vocabulary list of some common medical words and phrases:
English-French Vocabulary List:
- Doctor – Le médecin
- Hospital – L’hôpital (masculine noun)
- Emergency room – Les urgences (feminine noun)
- Patient – Le patient (masculine noun) / La patiente (feminine noun)
- Diagnosis – Le diagnostic
- Treatment – Le traitement
- Surgery – La chirurgie
- Anesthesia – L’anesthésie (feminine noun)
- Prescription – L’ordonnance (feminine noun)
- Symptom – Le symptôme
- Fever – La fièvre
- Headache – Le mal de tête
- Cough – La toux
- Sore throat – Le mal de gorge
- Flu – La grippe
- Allergy – L’allergie (feminine noun)
- Asthma – L’asthme (masculine noun)
- Diabetes – Le diabète
- High blood pressure – L’hypertension (feminine noun)
- Heart attack – L’infarctus (masculine noun)
- Stroke – L’accident vasculaire cérébral (masculine noun)
- Cancer – Le cancer
- MRI – L’IRM (imagerie par résonance magnétique, feminine noun)
- Ultrasound – L’échographie (feminine noun)
- Blood test – La prise de sang
Understanding these words and phrases is essential for communicating with healthcare professionals and accessing the appropriate care in both English and French. With practice and repetition, you will become more comfortable using them in everyday conversations related to healthcare.