Basic French words to learn: Natural disasters
Natural disasters are devastating events that can cause significant damage to property and human life.
Understanding the correct English-French vocabulary related to natural disasters is essential for communicating and understanding emergency situations in both languages.
Here is an English-French vocabulary list of some common words and phrases related to natural disasters:
English-French Vocabulary List:
- Natural disasters – Les catastrophes naturelles (feminine noun)
- Earthquake – Le tremblement de terre
- Hurricane – L’ouragan (masculine noun)
- Tornado – La tornade
- Flood – L’inondation (feminine noun)
- Drought – La sécheresse
- Wildfire – L’incendie de forêt (masculine noun)
- Tsunami – Le tsunami
- Landslide – Le glissement de terrain
- Avalanche – L’avalanche (feminine noun)
- Cyclone – Le cyclone
- Typhoon – Le typhon
- Volcano – Le volcan
- Lava – La lave
- Ash – Les cendres (feminine noun)
- Mudslide – La coulée de boue
- Blizzard – La tempête de neige
- Thunderstorm – L’orage (masculine noun)
- Lightning – La foudre
- Hail – La grêle
- Heat wave – La canicule
- Cold snap – La vague de froid
- Storm surge – La marée de tempête
- Ice storm – La tempête de verglas
- Seismic activity – L’activité sismique (feminine noun)