Common French Words: Clothing and Fashion Terms with Pronunciation
Dive into the world of French fashion terminology! Here is an English-French vocabulary list focused on clothing and fashion. Each term is followed by its French translation and pronunciation:
- Hat: chapeau (sha-poh)
- Cap: casquette (ka-skett)
- Beanie: bonnet (boh-nay)
- Beret: béret (bay-ray)
- Headband: bandeau (ban-doh)
- Sunglasses: lunettes de soleil (loo-net duh so-lay)
- Glasses: lunettes (loo-net)
- Scarf: écharpe (ay-sharp)
- Shawl: châle (shal)
- Tie: cravate (kra-vat)
- Bowtie: nœud papillon (nuh pah-pee-yon)
- Turtleneck: col roulé (kol roo-lay)
- Sweater: pull-over (pool oh-ver)
- Cardigan: gilet (zhee-lay)
- T-shirt: t-shirt (tee-shirt)
- Shirt: chemise (shuh-meez)
- Blouse: chemisier (shuh-meezyay)
- Polo shirt: polo (poh-lo)
- Tank top: débardeur (day-bar-dur)
- Dress: robe (rob)
- Skirt: jupe (zhup)
- Pants: pantalon (pahn-ta-lon)
- Jeans: jeans (jeanz)
- Shorts: short (short)
- Leggings: leggings (leg-inz)
- Tights: collants (ko-lahn)
- Socks: chaussettes (sho-set)
- Underwear: sous-vêtements (soo vet-mon)
- Bra: soutien-gorge (soo-tyan gorzh)
- Boxers: caleçons (ka-leson)
- Briefs: slips (sleeps)
- Swimwear: maillot de bain (my-yo duh ban)
- Jacket: veste (vest)
- Coat: manteau (mon-to)
- Raincoat: imperméable (an-per-mee-abl)
- Suit: costume (kos-toom)
- Dress shoes: chaussures habillées (sho-sur a-bee-yay)
- Sneakers: baskets (bas-kets)
- Boots: bottes (bot)
- Sandals: sandales (san-dal)
- High heels: talons hauts (ta-lon o)
- Flip-flops: tongs (tong)
- Handbag: sac à main (sak a man)
- Backpack: sac à dos (sak a do)
- Wallet: portefeuille (por-teh-fwee)
- Belt: ceinture (san-tur)
- Watch: montre (mon-truh)
- Bracelet: bracelet (bra-slay)
- Necklace: collier (kol-yay)
- Earrings: boucles d’oreilles (book d’or-ray)
- Ring: bague (bag)
- Scarf: foulard (foo-lard)
- Gloves: gants (gahn)
- Baseball cap: casquette de baseball (ka-skett duh bayz-bol)
- Sun hat: chapeau de soleil (sha-poh duh so-lay)
- Winter hat: bonnet d’hiver (boh-nay d’ee-ver)
- Rain hat: chapeau de pluie (sha-poh duh plee)
- Reading glasses: lunettes de lecture (loo-net duh lek-tur)
- Contact lenses: lentilles de contact (lon-teel duh kon-takt)
- Shoulder bag: sac à bandoulière (sak a ban-doo-lee-air)
This vocabulary list is just a starting point to get acquainted with some of the most common clothing and fashion terms in French.
The world of fashion is vast, and the French language is rich in fashion terminology. Happy learning and shopping! 🛍️🇫🇷