Easy French words to learn: Describing people
When learning a new language, one of the most important topics is how to describe people, whether it’s for everyday conversation or more formal settings.
Below is a list of common adjectives used to describe people in both physical and personality traits.
English-French Vocabulary List:
- Tall: Grand(e)
- Short: Petit(e)
- Slim: Mince
- Fat: Gros(se)
- Muscular: Musclé(e)
- Skinny: Maigre
- Strong: Fort(e)
- Weak: Faible
- Beautiful: Beau/Belle
- Handsome: Beau (for men)
- Pretty: Joli(e)
- Ugly: Laid(e)
- Charming: Charmant(e)
- Elegant: Élégant(e)
- Stylish: Stylé(e)
- Dressed up: Bien habillé(e)
- Casual: Décontracté(e)
- Attractive: Attirant(e)
- Youthful: Jeune
- Old: Vieux/Vieille
- Mature: Mûr(e)
- Friendly: Amical(e)
- Mean: Méchant(e)
- Funny: Drôle
- Serious: Sérieux/Sérieuse
- Shy: Timide
- Outgoing: Extraverti(e)
- Confident: Confiant(e)
- Intelligent: Intelligent(e)
- Stupid: Stupide
- Talkative: Bavard(e)
- Quiet: Calme
- Kind: Gentil(le)
- Rude: Impoli(e)
- Polite: Poli(e)
- Arrogant: Arrogant(e)
- Humble: Humble
- Generous: Généreux/Généreuse
- Selfish: Égoïste
- Ambitious: Ambitieux/Ambitieuse
- Lazy: Paresseux/Paresseuse
- Hardworking: Travailleur/Travailleuse
- Efficient: Efficace
- Inefficient: Inefficace
- Organized: Organisé(e)
- Disorganized: Désorganisé(e)
- Punctual: Ponctuel/Ponctuelle
- Late: En retard
- Reliable: Fiable
- Unreliable: Peu fiable
- Honest: Honnête
- Dishonest: Malhonnête
- Patient: Patient(e)
- Impatient: Impatient(e)
- Positive: Positif/Positive
- Negative: Négatif/Négative
Note that in French, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. For example, “grand” becomes “grande” to agree with a feminine noun and “grands” to agree with a plural noun.