Easy French Words to Learn: The Five Senses
The five senses are some of the most essential ways we experience and perceive the world around us. In French, they are called “les cinq sens.” Here’s a list of English-French vocabulary words related to each of the five senses:
- Sight – La vue
- Eye: L’œil (m)
- Look: Regarder
- See: Voir
- Glasses: Des lunettes (f pl)
- Bright: Lumineux/lumineuse
- Dark: Sombre
- Hearing – L’ouïe (f)
- Ear: L’oreille (f)
- Listen: Écouter
- Hear: Entendre
- Sound: Le son
- Loud: Fort(e)
- Quiet: Calme
- Taste – Le goût
- Tongue: La langue
- Taste: Goûter
- Flavor: La saveur
- Sweet: Sucré(e)
- Sour: Acide
- Bitter: Amer/amère
- Smell – L’odorat (m)
- Nose: Le nez
- Smell: Sentir
- Scent: L’odeur (f)
- Fragrant: Parfumé(e)
- Stinky: Malodorant(e)
- Pleasant: Agréable
- Touch – Le toucher
- Hand: La main
- Touch: Toucher
- Texture: La texture
- Soft: Doux/douce
- Rough: Rugueux/rugueuse
- Smooth: Lisse
Learning the vocabulary related to the five senses can be incredibly useful when describing sensations or discussing sensory experiences in French.