The French Ç (c cédille): How and when to use it?
The French ç (c cédille) is a special character used in the French language to represent the “s” sound before certain vowels.
Here are some tips and examples to help you understand how and when to use the ç in French:
1. The ç is used to represent the “s” sound in certain words.
- Example: français (French)
- Pronunciation: [fra(n)se]
2. The ç is used when the “s” sound is followed by “a,” “o,” or “u.”
- Example: ça (that)
- Pronunciation: [sa]
3. The ç is not used in words where the “s” is followed by “e,” “i,” or “y.”
- Example: seulement (only)
- Pronunciation: [seul(ə)mɑ̃]
4. In words borrowed from other languages, the ç may not be used.
- Example: garage (garage)
- Pronunciation: [ɡaʁaʒ]
5. The ç is also not used in proper names or in foreign words.
- Example: café (café)
- Pronunciation: [kafe]
6. When typing the ç on a keyboard, you can usually find it by pressing the “Alt” key and the number “135” on a Windows computer, or by holding the “Option” key and pressing “c” on a Mac.
In conclusion, the French ç (c cédille) is a special character used in the French language to represent the “s” sound before certain vowels. Understanding when and how to use the ç will help you to improve your spelling and pronunciation skills in French.