French Culinary Terms you Need to Know

French Vocabulary to Know: French Culinary Terms

Diving into the world of French cuisine opens up a rich tapestry of flavors, techniques, and traditions that are revered worldwide.

Whether you’re dining in a quaint bistro in Paris, exploring the bustling markets of Lyon, or cooking a French recipe at home, knowing key culinary terms can greatly enhance your appreciation and understanding of French gastronomy.

Here’s a concise list of essential French culinary terms that every food enthusiast should know, designed to bridge the gap between curiosity and connoisseurship as you explore the depth and diversity of French cuisine.

  1. Appetizer -> Hors d’œuvre
  2. Main course -> Plat principal
  3. Dessert -> Dessert
  4. Soup -> Soupe
  5. Salad -> Salade
  6. Bread -> Pain
  7. Cheese -> Fromage
  8. Wine -> Vin
  9. Sauce -> Sauce
  10. Roasted -> Rôti
  11. Baked -> Cuit au four
  12. Grilled -> Grillé
  13. Sautéed -> Sauté
  14. Stewed -> Mijoté
  15. Broth -> Bouillon
  16. Pastry -> Pâtisserie
  17. Seafood -> Fruits de mer
  18. Beef -> Bœuf
  19. Pork -> Porc
  20. Chicken -> Poulet
  21. Duck -> Canard
  22. Fish -> Poisson
  23. Vegetables -> Légumes
  24. Fruits -> Fruits
  25. Herbs -> Herbes
  26. Spices -> Épices
  27. Cream -> Crème
  28. Butter -> Beurre
  29. Egg -> Œuf
  30. Flour -> Farine

This list serves as a foundation to the rich lexicon of French culinary arts, offering a glimpse into the ingredients, techniques, and dishes that define France’s gastronomic legacy.

Whether you’re reading a French menu or cooking from a French recipe, these terms will help you navigate the delicious world of French cuisine with greater ease and enjoyment.

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