French proficiency test (free) | Possessive determiners

French proficiency test (free) – Possessive determiners

Free French test to do online or to print with the answers, for training and evaluation of French knowledge. You can do it at home or use it for your students if you are a French teacher.

All the exercises, tests and quizzes are corrected to practice on your own (Answers are at the bottom of the page.)

Put the possessive determiners in the singular:

1. Ses amis →   ami

2. Nos jeux →   jeu

3. Mes chaussures →   chaussure

4. Vos cartable →   cartable

5. Tes roses →   rose

6. Leurs chaises →   chaise

7. Mes robes →   robe

8. Vos fils →   fils

9. Ses tomates →   tomate

10. Tes pantalons →  pantalon_

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