10 French proverbs about love

French proverbs about love

The French language is known for its rich history and literature, and this extends to its proverbs about love.

These proverbs offer insight into the French view of love, relationships, and the heart.

Here are 10 French proverbs about love that offer timeless wisdom on the subject:

1. “L’amour est aveugle” – Love is blind

This proverb suggests that love can cloud our judgement and make us ignore flaws in a partner.

2. “L’amour est plus fort que tout” – Love is stronger than anything

This proverb emphasizes the power of love, suggesting that it can overcome any obstacle.

3. “Qui aime bien, châtie bien” – He who loves well, punishes well

This proverb suggests that those who love deeply also care enough to correct or discipline.

4. “L’amour n’a pas d’âge” – Love has no age

This proverb suggests that love knows no bounds, including age differences.

5. “Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point” – The heart has its reasons that reason does not know

This proverb suggests that emotions and feelings play a role in love that cannot be explained by logic.

6. “L’amour est éternel tant qu’il dure” – Love is eternal while it lasts

This proverb suggests that love can last forever, but it also has the potential to end.

7. “L’amour vient en jouant” – Love comes through playing

This proverb suggests that love can develop gradually and naturally, as two people get to know each other.

8. “L’amour platonique est l’amour le plus fort” – Platonic love is the strongest love

This proverb suggests that love without physical intimacy can be the strongest and most enduring kind of love.

9. “L’amour est un feu qui se nourrit de ce qu’on y met” – Love is a fire that feeds on what you put into it

This proverb suggests that love requires effort and investment to thrive.

10. “L’amour rend aveugle” – Love makes us blind

This proverb suggests that love can make us overlook flaws or negative aspects in a partner.

These French proverbs about love offer a unique perspective on the subject and provide insight into the French view of love and relationships.

By considering these expressions, we can gain a deeper appreciation of the complexities of love and the role it plays in our lives.


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