Intermediate French vocabulary list: Modern society and social problems
As our society continues to evolve, new challenges and problems arise.
Understanding the correct English-French vocabulary related to modern society and social problems is essential for communicating and discussing these issues in both languages.
Here is an English-French vocabulary list of some common words and phrases related to modern society and social problems:
English-French Vocabulary List:
- Modern society – La société moderne
- Social problems – Les problèmes sociaux (masculine noun)
- Poverty – La pauvreté
- Inequality – L’inégalité (feminine noun)
- Discrimination – La discrimination
- Racism – Le racisme
- Sexism – Le sexisme
- Homelessness – Le sans-abrisme
- Unemployment – Le chômage
- Addiction – L’addiction (feminine noun)
- Mental illness – La maladie mentale
- Depression – La dépression
- Anxiety – L’anxiété (feminine noun)
- Domestic violence – La violence domestique
- Cyberbullying – Le cyberharcèlement
- Fake news – Les fausses nouvelles (feminine noun)
- Climate change – Le changement climatique
- Pollution – La pollution
- Overpopulation – La surpopulation
- Immigration – L’immigration (feminine noun)
- Terrorism – Le terrorisme
- Gun violence – La violence armée
- Corruption – La corruption
- Freedom of speech – La liberté d’expression
- Human rights – Les droits de l’homme (masculine noun)
Understanding these words and phrases is essential for discussing and communicating about modern society and social problems in both English and French. With practice and repetition, you will become more comfortable using them in everyday conversations.