The 100 most useful adjectives in French
A complete list of the most useful adjectives in French with their translation in English. Ideal to help you develop your vocabulary
accueillant | welcoming |
admirable | admirable |
agacé | annoyed |
âgé (e) | elderly |
agréable | pleasant |
aimable | kind |
amer | bitter |
amical | friendly |
amusant | fun |
ancien | former |
approximatif | approximate |
attentif | attentive |
automatique | automatic |
banal | banal |
bas | bottom |
beau, bel, belle | beautiful |
beaucoup | a lot |
bête | beast |
bien | property |
bizarre, étrange | weird, strange |
blessé | wounded |
bon | good |
bon marché | inexpensive |
bonne santé | soundness |
bouché | corked |
bronzé | tanned |
brusque | abrupt |
bruyant | noisy |
calme | calm |
capable | capable |
captivant | captivating |
caractériel | character |
carré | square |
cassé | broken |
catastrophique | catastrophic |
célèbre | famous |
chaleureux, amical | warm, friendly |
chanceux | lucky |
charmant | charming |
chaud | hot |
cher | dear |
clair | clear |
classique | classic |
collant | tights |
coloré | colored |
comestible | edible |
commercial | commercial |
commun | common |
compact | compact |
compatissant | compassionate |
complet | complete |
complexe | complex |
confiant | trusting |
confortable, agréable | comfortable, pleasant |
content | content |
convaincant | convincing |
convenable | decent |
convivial | user-friendly |
correct, bon | correct, good |
coupable | guilty |
courageux | brave |
court | short |
crédible | credible |
croyant | believer |
culturel | cultural |
curieux | curious |
dangereux | dangerous |
dégoûtant | disgusting |
dégoûté | disgusted |
délectable | delectable |
délicieux | delicious |
démocratique | democratic |
déprimé | depressed |
dernier | latest |
désagréable | unpleasant |
déterminé | determined |
différent | different |
difficile | difficult |
disparu | missing |
divers | miscellaneous |
doué | gifted |
doux | sweet |
drôle | funny |
dur | hard |
dynamique | dynamic |
éblouissant | dazzling |
écologique | ecological |
économique | economic |
efficace | effective |
effrayant | creepy |
égoïste | selfish |
électrique | electrical |
électronique | electronics |
élégant | elegant |
éloigné | remote |
émouvant | moving |
encombrant | cumbersome |
énergique | energetic |
énervé | angry |
ennuyant | boring |
ennuyé | bored |
énorme | huge |
ensemble | together |
enthousiaste | enthusiastic |
entier | integer |
épais | thick |
épicé | spicy |
épouvantable | dreadful |
équivalent | equivalent |
étonné | astonished |
étrange, bizarre | weird, strange |
étroit | narrow |
évident | obvious |
exact | exact |
exaltant | exhilarating |
exaspéré | exasperated |
excellent | excellent |
exceptionnel | exceptional |
excité | excited |
excusable | excusable |
exemplaire | copy |
extra moelleux | extra soft |
facile | easy |
faible | low |
fatigant | tiresome |
fatigué | tired |
faux | wrong, false |
fermé | closed |
fiable | reliable |
formidable | great |
fort | strong |
fou, fol, folle | crazy |
fragile | fragile |
frais | fees |
fréquent | frequent |
froid | cold |
furieux | furious |
généreux | generous |
gentil | nice |
gigantesque | gigantic |
grand | great |
gros, grosse | big |
haut | top |
heureux | happy |
historique | history |
honnête | honest |
horrible | horrible |
humide, mouillé | wet |
idéal | ideal |
identique | identical |
idiot | idiot |
illégal | illegal |
illimité | unlimited |
immédiat | immediate |
immense | huge |
immobile | stationary |
impliqué | involved |
important | important |
impossible | impossible |
impressionnant | impressive |
imprévisible | unpredictable |
incapable | incapable |
inconnu | unknown |
incroyable | amazing |
indépendant | independent |
injuste | unjust |
innocent | innocent |
inquiet | worried |
insignifiant | insignificant |
insuffisant | insufficient |
insupportable | unbearable |
intelligent | intelligent |
intenable | untenable |
interdit | prohibited |
intéressant | interesting |
international | international |
inventif, inventive | inventive |
irrésistible | irresistible |
jaloux | jealous |
jeune | young |
joueur | player |
lâche | coward |
large | broad |
légal | legal |
léger | light |
lent | slow |
local | local |
loin | far |
long | long |
louable | commendable |
lourd | heavy |
magnifique | beautiful |
malade | sick |
maladroit | awkward |
malheureux | unfortunate |
mauvais | bad |
méchant | bad guy |
méfiant | wary |
merveilleux | wonderful |
mignon, mignonne | cute, cute |
minable | crummy |
mince | thin |
minuscule, infime | tiny |
moderne | modern |
moelleux | soft, mellow |
mondial | worldwide |
mort | death |
mortel | lethal |
motivé | motivated |
mouillé | wet |
moyen, moyenne | average |
muet | mute |
mûr, mature | ripe, mature |
mystérieux | mysterious |
naturel | natural |
nécessaire | necessary |
négligeable | negligible |
nerveux | nervous |
nombreux | numerous |
nostalgique | nostalgic |
nouveau | new |
nul | void |
occupé | occupied |
officiel | official |
optimiste | optimist |
ordinaire | ordinary |
original | original |
ouvert | open |
paresseux | lazy |
parfait | perfect |
passable | passable |
passionnant | exciting |
passionné | passionate |
patient | patient |
pauvre | poor |
pénible | tedious |
persévérant | persevering |
pertinent | relevant |
pessimiste | pessimist |
petit | little |
peu | little |
peureux, peureuse | shy |
phénoménal | phenomenal |
pire | worst |
plaisant | nice |
plein | full |
politique | policy |
pollué | polluted |
ponctuel, à l’heure | punctual, on time |
populaire | popular |
positif | positive |
possible | possible |
pourri | rotten |
pratique | practice |
précieux | valuable |
précis | precise |
premier | first |
près | by |
prétentieux, prétentieuse | pretentious |
privé | private |
prochain | next |
proche | close |
prodigieux | prodigious |
profond | deep |
propre | own |
prudent | cautious |
public | public |
puissant | powerful |
rapide | quick |
rare | rare |
ravi | delighted |
réaliste | realistic |
récent | recent |
recyclé | recycled |
religieux | religious |
remarquable | remarkable |
rempli | filled |
responsable | responsible |
riche | rich |
romantique | romantic |
sale | dirty |
salé | salty |
satisfaisant | satisfactory |
satisfait | satisfied |
sauvage | wild |
sec | sec |
secret | secret |
séduisant | attractive |
sérieux, sérieuse | serious |
silencieux | silencer |
similaire | similar |
simple | simple |
sincère | sincere |
sociable | sociable |
solide | solid |
solitaire | lonely |
sombre | dark |
souriant | smiling |
spacieux | spacious |
spécial | special |
spécifique | specific |
splendide | splendid |
sportif, sportive | sporting, sporty |
stupide | stupid |
super | super |
superbe, magnifique | superb, magnificent |
superficiel | superficial |
superstitieux | superstitious |
supplémentaire | additional |
supportable | supportable |
surpeuplé | overcrowded |
surpris | surprised |
sympathique | nice |
talentueux | talented |
temporaire | temporary |
terrible | terrible |
têtu | stubborn |
timide | shy |
tolérable | tolerable |
tolérant | tolerant |
total | total |
toxique | toxic |
traditionnel | traditional |
travailleur | worker |
triangulaire | triangular |
triste | sad |
troublant | troubling |
typique | typical |
unique | unique |
usé | used |
vantard | bragger |
vaste | extensive |
vide | void |
vieux, ancien | old |
visqueux | viscous |
vivant | living |
volumineux | extensive |
vrai | true, real |
vulgaire | vulgar |
vulnérable | vulnerable |