French Vocabulary Words: At work
Whether you’re seeking work in France or simply want to improve your French vocabulary, it’s important to learn the language for the workplace. From job interviews to daily tasks, having a basic understanding of French vocabulary related to work can make all the difference. Here are some common words and phrases to help you get started:
- Job (le travail)
- Work (le travail)
- Salary (le salaire)
- Employment (l’emploi)
- Boss (le patron)
- Coworker (le collègue)
- Team (l’équipe)
- Meeting (la réunion)
- Deadline (le délai)
- Schedule (l’emploi du temps)
- Promotion (la promotion)
- Career (la carrière)
- Office (le bureau)
- Desk (le bureau)
- Computer (l’ordinateur)
- Telephone (le téléphone)
- Email (le courriel)
- Business (les affaires)
- Sales (les ventes)
- Customer (le client)
- Project (le projet)
- Goal (l’objectif)
- Training (la formation)
- Resume (le CV)
- Interview (l’entretien d’embauche)
- Contract (le contrat)
- Benefits (les avantages sociaux)
- Retirement (la retraite)
- Union (le syndicat)
I hope this list helps! Note that these are just some of the most common words and phrases related to work, and there are many more that you may encounter depending on your specific job or industry. As always, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to put these new vocabulary words to use in conversation or while studying. Bonne chance!