How do you say “that” in French

How do you say “that” in French

“That” is an important word in the English language and is used to refer to something or someone that is nearby or far away. In French, the word “that” can be translated in several ways, depending on the context of the sentence. Here are some of the most common ways to say “that” in French:

  1. “Que” – This is the most common way to say “that” in French, and is used to refer to something that was previously mentioned. For example, “Il a dit que c’était facile” (He said that it was easy).
  2. “Ce” – This is another common way to say “that” in French, and is used to refer to a nearby object or event. For example, “Ce livre que tu lis est intéressant” (The book that you’re reading is interesting).
  3. “Ça” – This is a more casual way to say “that” in French, and is used to refer to a nearby thing or situation. For example, “Ça ne me dérange pas” (That doesn’t bother me).
  4. “Cela” – This is a more formal way to say “that” in French, and is used to refer to something that has already been mentioned. For example, “Cela dépend de vous” (That depends on you).
  5. “Ce qui” – This is another way to say “that” in French, and is used to refer to something that is the subject of the sentence. For example, “Ce qui est important, c’est de réussir” (What’s important is to succeed).

In conclusion, the word “that” in English can be translated into French in several ways, including “que”, “ce”, “ça”, “cela”, and “ce qui”. By understanding these different expressions, you’ll be able to accurately and effectively refer to people, objects, and events in French.


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