How to say “learn” in French

How to say “learn” in French

The English verb “learn” can be translated into French in several different ways, depending on the context and the level of formality. Here are a few of the most commonly used French verbs for “learn”:

  1. “Apprendre” – This is the most common and straightforward verb for “learn” in French. For example, “Je apprends le français.” (I learn French.).
  2. “Etudier” – This verb is more formal and is often used to refer to the study of academic subjects or to describe someone who is studying. For example, “Il étudie les mathématiques.” (He studies mathematics.).
  3. “Comprendre” – This verb means “to understand” and is often used in the sense of learning by experience or by observation. For example, “Je comprends ce que vous voulez dire.” (I understand what you’re trying to say.).
  4. “Savoir” – This verb means “to know” and is often used to refer to the acquisition of knowledge or information. For example, “Je sais comment faire.” (I know how to do it.).

In conclusion, the French verb for “learn” can vary based on the context and the level of formality. Understanding these verbs and when to use them will help you express your learning experiences effectively in French.



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