How to say “my name is” in French

Learn how to say “my name is” in French:

The English phrase “my name is” can be translated into French as “je m’appelle”. This is a common way to introduce yourself in French and is used to share your name with others. Here are a few key points to keep in mind when using “je m’appelle” in French:

  1. Pronunciation: “Je m’appelle” is pronounced “zhuh mah-pell”. The emphasis is on the third syllable of “appelle”.
  2. Spelling: The spelling of “je m’appelle” is consistent and does not change based on the context in which it is used.
  3. Usage: “Je m’appelle” is a common way to introduce yourself in French and is used to share your name with others. For example, “Je m’appelle Marie.” (My name is Marie.).
  4. Context: “Je m’appelle” is used primarily in social situations, such as meeting new people or introducing yourself to someone for the first time.
  5. Variations: There are other phrases in French that can be used to introduce yourself, such as “moi, c’est” (me, it’s), “mon nom est” (my name is), and “on m’appelle” (they call me).

In conclusion, “je m’appelle” is an important French phrase that is commonly used to introduce yourself and share your name with others. Understanding its pronunciation, spelling, usage, context, and variations will help you make a great first impression in French-speaking social situations.


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