How to say “out” in French

Learn how to say “out” in French:

The English word “out” can be translated into French in a number of ways depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some of the most common uses of “out” in French, along with key points to keep in mind when using them:

  1. “Dehors” meaning “out”: The French word “dehors” is used to refer to the outdoors or being outside. For example, “Il fait beau dehors.” (It’s nice outside.).
  2. “Sortir” meaning “to go out”: The French verb “sortir” is used to mean “to go out”. For example, “Je vais sortir ce soir.” (I’m going out tonight.).
  3. “En dehors de” meaning “outside of”: The French phrase “en dehors de” is used to mean “outside of” or “apart from”. For example, “En dehors de la ville, il n’y a rien.” (Outside of the city, there’s nothing.).
  4. “Hors de” meaning “out of”: The French phrase “hors de” is used to mean “out of” in English. For example, “Il faut sortir hors de la maison.” (You have to get out of the house.).
  5. “Exclure” meaning “to exclude”: The French verb “exclure” is used to mean “to exclude”. For example, “Il faut exclure les personnes qui ne respectent pas les règles.” (You have to exclude the people who don’t respect the rules.).

In conclusion, the English word “out” can be translated into French in several ways, including “dehors”, “sortir”, “en dehors de”, “hors de”, and “exclure”. Understanding its different meanings, pronunciations, and usage will help you communicate more effectively in French-speaking environments.



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