Intermediate French vocabulary: Geopolitics and International Relations
Geopolitics and international relations are the study of the relationships and interactions between nations and international organizations.
Understanding the correct English-French vocabulary related to geopolitics and international relations is essential for communicating about global issues and events.
Here is an English-French vocabulary list of some common words and phrases related to geopolitics and international relations:
English-French Vocabulary List:
- Geopolitics – La géopolitique
- International relations – Les relations internationales (feminine plural noun)
- Diplomacy – La diplomatie
- Foreign policy – La politique étrangère
- Treaty – Un traité
- Alliance – Une alliance
- Conflict – Un conflit
- War – La guerre
- Peace – La paix
- Negotiation – La négociation
- Diplomat – Un diplomate
- Ambassador – Un ambassadeur
- Summit – Un sommet
- United Nations – Les Nations unies (feminine plural noun)
- European Union – L’Union européenne (feminine noun)
- NATO – L’OTAN (masculine acronym)
- Security – La sécurité
- Defense – La défense
- Arms race – La course aux armements
- Nuclear weapons – Les armes nucléaires (feminine plural noun)
- Intelligence – Le renseignement
- Espionage – L’espionnage (masculine noun)
- Sanctions – Des sanctions (feminine plural noun)
- Human rights – Les droits humains (masculine plural noun)
- International law – Le droit international