Most used French words: Computers & Internet
Here is an English-French vocabulary list about Computers and Internet:
- Computer: Ordinateur
- Keyboard: Clavier
- Mouse: Souris
- Monitor: Écran
- Printer: Imprimante
- Scanner: Scanner
- Hard drive: Disque dur
- USB drive: Clé USB
- CD: CD
- Internet: Internet
- Website: Site web
- Email: Courriel
- Attachment: Pièce jointe
- Inbox: Boîte de réception
- Spam: Pourriel
- Password: Mot de passe
- Download: Télécharger
- Upload: Téléverser
- Browser: Navigateur
- Bookmark: Signet
- Tab: Onglet
- Search engine: Moteur de recherche
- Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi
- Ethernet: Ethernet
- Firewall: Pare-feu
- Malware: Logiciel malveillant
- Virus: Virus
- Hacker: Pirate informatique
- Backup: Sauvegarde
Note: Keep in mind that some of these terms may have variations depending on the context or the region where they are used.