10 Pretty French sayings
French is known for its beautiful language, and that extends to its sayings and expressions as well.
Here are ten pretty French sayings that will add a touch of charm and elegance to your conversations:
1. “La vie est belle.”
Life is beautiful.
2. “Les fleurs sont les messagères de l’amour.”
Flowers are messengers of love.
3. “Le temps passe, les souvenirs restent.”
Time passes, memories remain.
4. “La beauté est dans l’œil de celui qui regarde.”
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
5. “Chaque jour est une page blanche.”
Every day is a blank page.
6. “Les étoiles brillent pour ceux qui les cherchent.”
Stars shine for those who seek them.
7. “La simplicité est la sophistication suprême.”
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
8. “Le rêve est le miroir de l’âme.”
Dreams are the mirrors of the soul.
9. “Le bonheur est un papillon qui, s’il est poursuivi, est toujours juste hors de portée.”
Happiness is a butterfly that, if pursued, is always just beyond reach.
10. “La nature a le don de nous émerveiller chaque jour.”
Nature has the gift of astonishing us every day.
These pretty French sayings are perfect for adding a touch of beauty and elegance to your conversations in French.
Whether you’re expressing gratitude, admiration, or simply enjoying the simple pleasures of life, these sayings are a great way to capture the essence of the language and culture.