Best French words to know: Agriculture

Best French words to know: Agriculture

Agriculture, or farming, is the practice of cultivating crops and raising animals for food, fuel, and other products. It has been an essential part of human civilization for thousands of years and remains a crucial industry worldwide. Here is a list of common English-French vocabulary related to agriculture:

The Farm: La ferme
The Farmer: L’agriculteur / L’agricultrice
The Field: Le champ
The Harvest: La récolte
The Seed: La graine
The Soil: Le sol
The Fertilizer: L’engrais (m)
The Irrigation: L’irrigation (f)
The Crop: La culture
The Livestock: Le bétail
The Cattle: Les bovins (m)
The Sheep: Les moutons (m)
The Pig: Le cochon
The Chicken: Le poulet
The Turkey: La dinde
The Horse: Le cheval
The Barn: La grange
The Tractor: Le tracteur
The Plow: La charrue
The Harvester: La moissonneuse-batteuse
The Hay: Le foin
The Silo: Le silo
The Greenhouse: La serre
The Compost: Le compost
The Pesticide: Le pesticide
The Herbicide: L’herbicide (m)
The Organic Farming: L’agriculture biologique (f)
The Crop Rotation: La rotation des cultures

This vocabulary list can be useful for those interested in agriculture, farmers, and those learning French.

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