10 Common French phrases: Making comparisons

10 Common French phrases: Making comparisons

Making comparisons is an important part of communication, especially when in a French-speaking environment.

In this lesson, we will explore ten common French phrases to help you make comparisons.

C’est plus grand que ça. (It’s bigger than that.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of size or quantity.

Il est plus petit que moi. (He is smaller than me.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of physical attributes, such as height or weight.

C’est plus cher que ce que j’ai vu ailleurs. (It’s more expensive than what I saw elsewhere.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of prices or costs.

Elle est plus intelligente que lui. (She is smarter than him.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of intelligence or ability.

C’est plus facile que je pensais. (It’s easier than I thought.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of difficulty or ease.

Il est plus rapide que moi. (He is faster than me.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of speed or efficiency.

C’est plus beau que ce que j’imaginais. (It’s more beautiful than I imagined.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of aesthetic or visual appeal.

Elle parle mieux que moi. (She speaks better than me.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of language ability or communication skills.

C’est plus agréable que l’autre endroit. (It’s more pleasant than the other place.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of experiences or environments.

Il est plus drôle que l’autre comédien. (He is funnier than the other comedian.)

Use this phrase to make a comparison of humor or entertainment value.

In conclusion, these ten common French phrases for making comparisons can help you communicate effectively and confidently with others.

Whether you need to make a comparison of size, intelligence, or entertainment value, or simply share your ideas and thoughts with others, these phrases will help you navigate your conversations in French.

With practice, you will be able to use these phrases effortlessly and communicate effectively in a French-speaking environment.

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