Conjunctions in French: list and examples
Conjunctions are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence.
In French, conjunctions play an important role in connecting ideas and making sentences clear and concise.
In this lesson, we will cover the most common French conjunctions, their meanings, and examples.
1. et – and
Ex: Je mange des pommes et des pêches. (I’m eating apples and peaches.)
2. mais – but
Ex: Je veux aller à la plage, mais il pleut. (I want to go to the beach, but it’s raining.)
3. ou – or
Ex: Je prends du café ou du thé. (I’m drinking coffee or tea.)
4. donc – so, therefore
Ex: Il fait froid, donc je porte un manteau. (It’s cold, so I’m wearing a coat.)
5. car – because
Ex: Je suis fatigué, car je suis resté debout tard hier soir. (I’m tired because I stayed up late last night.)
6. soit – either…or
Ex: Je prends soit du café, soit du thé. (I’m drinking either coffee or tea.)
7. ni…ni – neither…nor
Ex: Je n’aime ni les tomates ni les concombres. (I don’t like either tomatoes or cucumbers.)
8. si – if
Ex: Si il fait beau demain, nous irons à la plage. (If it’s nice tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach.)
9. alors – then
Ex: Si il fait beau demain, nous irons à la plage, alors nous prendrons un pique-nique. (If it’s nice tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach, then we’ll have a picnic.)
10. sans que – without
Ex: Je peux partir sans que personne ne s’en aperçoive. (I can leave without anyone noticing.)
11. quoique – although
Ex: Quoique tu sois occupé, tu dois manger. (Although you are busy, you have to eat.)
12. lorsque – when
Ex: Lorsque je serai grand, je serai médecin. (When I grow up, I will be a doctor.)
These are the most common French conjunctions and their meanings.
Understanding the use of conjunctions is important for creating clear and concise sentences in French.
By learning these examples, you will be able to connect ideas and create well-formed sentences in French.