Easy French words for beginners: Connecting words

Easy French words for beginners: Connecting words

Connecting words, also known as conjunctions, are essential in any language, as they help connect words, phrases, or sentences.

Here are some English-French vocabulary words to help you use connecting words in your sentences:

And β†’ Et
But β†’ Mais
Or β†’ Ou
So β†’ Donc
Because β†’ Parce que
Therefore β†’ Par consΓ©quent
However β†’ Cependant
Moreover β†’ De plus
Nevertheless β†’ NΓ©anmoins
Furthermore β†’ En outre
Otherwise β†’ Sinon
Instead β†’ Au lieu de cela
Despite β†’ MalgrΓ©
Although β†’ Bien que
Whereas β†’ Tandis que

Learning these connecting words in French will not only help you connect sentences and phrases but also improve your writing and speaking skills.

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