Être (to be) conjugation in French: Chart and examples

Être (to be) conjugation in French: Chart and examples

The verb “être” is one of the most important verbs in the French language.

It means “to be” and is used to express a variety of meanings, including identity, location, and existence.

In this lesson, we will learn about the conjugation of “être” in French, including its chart and some examples.

Chart of “être” Conjugation:

Person Singular Plural
Je / Nous suis sommes
Tu / Vous es êtes
Il/Elle/On / Ils / Elles est sont



  1. Je suis étudiant. (I am a student.)
  2. Tu es à la maison. (You are at home.)
  3. Il est content. (He is happy.)
  4. Elle est française. (She is French.)
  5. Nous sommes ensemble. (We are together.)
  6. Vous êtes les bienvenus. (You are welcome.)
  7. Ils sont amis. (They are friends.)

It’s important to note that “être” is an irregular verb and its conjugation does not follow the typical pattern for conjugating verbs in French.

Additionally, “être” has a unique conjugation for the pronoun “on”, which is used to refer to a general or indefinite third person.

In conclusion, “être” is a very important verb in French, used to express a variety of meanings, including identity, location, and existence.

Its conjugation is irregular and does not follow the typical pattern for conjugating verbs in French.

Practice using the chart and examples above, and you will soon be comfortable using “être” in your conversations in French.


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