20 Simple present tense sentences in French

20 Simple present tense sentences in French The simple present tense in French, also known as the present indicative, is used to describe actions that are happening regularly or habitually. It is a crucial aspect of French grammar and an important tool for expressing yourself in the language. In this lesson, we’ll look at 20 … Read more

When to use subjunctive in French: easy tips

When to use subjunctive in French: easy tips The subjunctive mood in French is a grammatical form that is used to express various emotions, doubts, wishes, and hypotheses. It is a unique aspect of the French language and can be challenging to master for English-speaking students. However, with a few easy tips, you can learn … Read more

French conditional tense with endings

French conditional tense with endings The French conditional tense is a verb form that is used to express hypothetical or possible actions. It is used to express situations that would happen if certain conditions are met. The conditional tense in French is formed using the present tense of the verb “avoir” (to have) followed by … Read more

When to use imparfait in French?

When to use imparfait in French? The imparfait, also known as the “imperfect tense,” is a past tense in the French language that is used to describe ongoing actions in the past, describe past habits and routines, and set the background for a past event. In this lesson, we will explore when and how to … Read more

French present participle with examples sentences

French present participle with examples sentences The French present participle, also known as the participe présent, is a verb form that is used to describe an action in progress or a simultaneous action. It is typically formed by taking the root of the verb and adding the suffix “-ant” for regular verbs, or by adding … Read more

French imperfect tense: 20 Examples of sentences

French imperfect tense: 20 Examples of sentences The French imperfect tense (l’imparfait) is used to describe actions that were in progress in the past, without specifying a clear beginning or end. It can also describe a state or a repeated action in the past. The imperfect tense is formed using the auxiliary verb “avoir” or … Read more

What is the Past participle of Savoir in French?

What is the Past participle of Savoir in French? The past participle of the verb “savoir” in French is “su“. This form is used to form compound tenses, such as the perfect and past anterior tenses, and also to form the passive voice. Here is an example sentence in the present perfect tense using the … Read more

What is the Past participle of Devoir in French?

What is the Past participle of Devoir in French? The past participle of the verb “devoir” in French is “dû“. This form is used to form compound tenses, such as the perfect and past anterior tenses, and also to form the passive voice. Here is an example sentence in the present perfect tense using the … Read more