French reflexive verbs: list and how to use them

French reflexive verbs: list and how to use them

Reflexive verbs are a unique feature of the French language and they can be used to express actions that are performed on oneself.

In this lesson, we will look at what reflexive verbs are, provide a list of commonly used reflexive verbs in French, and offer tips on how to use them effectively.

1. What are Reflexive Verbs?

Reflexive verbs are verbs that describe actions that are performed on oneself.

In French, reflexive verbs are formed by adding a reflexive pronoun to the infinitive form of the verb.

The reflexive pronoun in French is “se,” and it reflects back to the subject of the sentence.

2. List of Commonly Used Reflexive Verbs:

Some commonly used reflexive verbs in French include:

  • se laver (to wash oneself)
  • se raser (to shave oneself)
  • se coiffer (to comb one’s hair)
  • se lever (to get up)
  • se coucher (to go to bed)
  • se brosser les dents (to brush one’s teeth)
  • se regarder (to look at oneself)
  • se blesser (to hurt oneself)
  • se maquiller (to put on makeup)
  • se reposer (to rest)

3. How to Use Reflexive Verbs:

When using reflexive verbs in French, it is important to consider the subject of the sentence and the reflexive pronoun “se.”

For example, “Je me lave les mains” (I wash my hands) uses the reflexive verb “se laver” and the reflexive pronoun “me” to reflect back to the subject “je.”

In addition, the reflexive pronoun must match the subject of the sentence in terms of person and number.

4. When to Use Reflexive Verbs:

Reflexive verbs are used to express actions that are performed on oneself. For example, “Je me brosse les dents tous les matins” (I brush my teeth every morning) and “Nous nous levons tôt le matin” (We get up early in the morning).

In conclusion, reflexive verbs are an important aspect of the French language that allow you to express actions that are performed on oneself.

By understanding how reflexive verbs are formed and when to use them, you can communicate effectively in French and express yourself in a variety of situations.

Keep practicing and keep up the good work!


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