Free Online French Fluency Test

French Fluency Test for Learners – 10 questions

Complete the sentence: “Hier, je ______ à la plage.”
a) vais
b) suis allé(e)
c) aller

Choose the correct sentence:
a) Le chien couru dans le parc.
b) Le chien courait dans le parc.
c) Le chien couru dans le parque.

What is the past participle form of the verb “prendre”?
a) J’ai pris
b) J’ai prendu
c) Je prends

What is the synonym of the word “rapide”?
a) long
b) lent
c) vif

What is the definite article corresponding to the noun “maison”?
a) le
b) la
c) les

Transform the following sentence into a question: “Tu aimes le chocolat.”
a) Aimes-tu le chocolat?
b) Tu aimes le chocolat?
c) Est-ce que tu aimes le chocolat?

What is the opposite of the word “chaud”?
a) froid
b) tiède
c) glacé

Which verb should be conjugated with “nous” to express an action in the present tense? “Nous ______ à l’école.”
a) allons
b) vont
c) va

What is the correct form of the adjective “petit” for a feminine plural noun?
a) petites
b) petit
c) petite

What is the French translation of the word “apple”?
a) poire
b) pêche
c) pomme

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