101 French verbs you need to know

101 French verbs you need to know

As a beginner in French, it’s important to start building a foundation of common verbs that you can use in everyday conversation and writing. Here’s a list of 101 French verbs that you should aim to learn and practice:

  1. Être (to be)
  2. Avoir (to have)
  3. Faire (to do/make)
  4. Aller (to go)
  5. Pouvoir (to be able to)
  6. Devoir (to have to)
  7. Vouloir (to want)
  8. Savoir (to know)
  9. Prendre (to take)
  10. Donner (to give)
  11. Venir (to come)
  12. Parler (to speak)
  13. Mettre (to put)
  14. Aimer (to love)
  15. Habiter (to live)
  16. Écouter (to listen)
  17. Lire (to read)
  18. Regarder (to watch)
  19. Travailler (to work)
  20. Étudier (to study)
  21. Dormir (to sleep)
  22. Boire (to drink)
  23. Manger (to eat)
  24. Jeter (to throw)
  25. Porter (to wear/carry)
  26. Trouver (to find)
  27. Rentrer (to return)
  28. Partir (to leave)
  29. Arriver (to arrive)
  30. Sortir (to go out)
  31. Demander (to ask)
  32. Dire (to say/tell)
  33. Faire savoir (to let know)
  34. Faire connaître (to make known)
  35. Rester (to stay)
  36. Monter (to go up)
  37. Descendre (to go down)
  38. Passer (to pass)
  39. Devenir (to become)
  40. Recommencer (to start again)
  41. Réussir (to succeed)
  42. Tomber (to fall)
  43. Marcher (to walk)
  44. Courir (to run)
  45. Voler (to fly)
  46. Nager (to swim)
  47. Chanter (to sing)
  48. Danser (to dance)
  49. Jouer (to play)
  50. Écrire (to write)
  51. Lancer (to throw)
  52. Recevoir (to receive)
  53. Envoyer (to send)
  54. Apporter (to bring)
  55. Commander (to order)
  56. Acheter (to buy)
  57. Vendre (to sell)
  58. Payer (to pay)
  59. Embaucher (to hire)
  60. Chercher (to search/look for)
  61. Trouver (to find)
  62. Perdre (to lose)
  63. Gagner (to win)
  64. Essayer (to try)
  65. Préparer (to prepare)
  66. Résoudre (to solve)
  67. Expliquer (to explain)
  68. Décider (to decide)
  69. Comprendre (to understand)
  70. Connaître (to know)
  71. Oublier (to forget)
  72. Rappeler (to recall/remember)
  73. Penser (to think)
  74. Croire (to believe)
  75. Rêver (to dream)
  76. Regretter (to regret)
  77. Attendre (to wait)
  78. Visiter (to visit)
  79. Inviter (to invite)
  80. Proposer (to propose)
  81. Refuser (to refuse)
  82. Accepter (to accept)
  83. Refaire (to redo)
  84. Reprendre (to resume/start again)
  85. Continuer (to continue)
  86. Interrompre (to interrupt)
  87. Échanger (to exchange)
  88. Utiliser (to use)
  89. Aider (to help)
  90. Soigner (to care for/treat)
  91. Guérir (to heal)
  92. Soulager (to relieve)
  93. Conforter (to comfort)
  94. Soutenir (to support)
  95. Encourager (to encourage)
  96. Convaincre (to convince)
  97. Éduquer (to educate)
  98. Instruire (to instruct)
  99. Former (to train)
  100. Enseigner (to teach)
  101. Apprendre (to learn)

By mastering these 101 verbs, you’ll have a solid foundation for building your French vocabulary and communicating effectively in a variety of situations.

As you continue to learn, you can add more verbs to your list and expand your ability to express yourself in the language.


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