101 French verbs you need to know
As a beginner in French, it’s important to start building a foundation of common verbs that you can use in everyday conversation and writing. Here’s a list of 101 French verbs that you should aim to learn and practice:
- Être (to be)
- Avoir (to have)
- Faire (to do/make)
- Aller (to go)
- Pouvoir (to be able to)
- Devoir (to have to)
- Vouloir (to want)
- Savoir (to know)
- Prendre (to take)
- Donner (to give)
- Venir (to come)
- Parler (to speak)
- Mettre (to put)
- Aimer (to love)
- Habiter (to live)
- Écouter (to listen)
- Lire (to read)
- Regarder (to watch)
- Travailler (to work)
- Étudier (to study)
- Dormir (to sleep)
- Boire (to drink)
- Manger (to eat)
- Jeter (to throw)
- Porter (to wear/carry)
- Trouver (to find)
- Rentrer (to return)
- Partir (to leave)
- Arriver (to arrive)
- Sortir (to go out)
- Demander (to ask)
- Dire (to say/tell)
- Faire savoir (to let know)
- Faire connaître (to make known)
- Rester (to stay)
- Monter (to go up)
- Descendre (to go down)
- Passer (to pass)
- Devenir (to become)
- Recommencer (to start again)
- Réussir (to succeed)
- Tomber (to fall)
- Marcher (to walk)
- Courir (to run)
- Voler (to fly)
- Nager (to swim)
- Chanter (to sing)
- Danser (to dance)
- Jouer (to play)
- Écrire (to write)
- Lancer (to throw)
- Recevoir (to receive)
- Envoyer (to send)
- Apporter (to bring)
- Commander (to order)
- Acheter (to buy)
- Vendre (to sell)
- Payer (to pay)
- Embaucher (to hire)
- Chercher (to search/look for)
- Trouver (to find)
- Perdre (to lose)
- Gagner (to win)
- Essayer (to try)
- Préparer (to prepare)
- Résoudre (to solve)
- Expliquer (to explain)
- Décider (to decide)
- Comprendre (to understand)
- Connaître (to know)
- Oublier (to forget)
- Rappeler (to recall/remember)
- Penser (to think)
- Croire (to believe)
- Rêver (to dream)
- Regretter (to regret)
- Attendre (to wait)
- Visiter (to visit)
- Inviter (to invite)
- Proposer (to propose)
- Refuser (to refuse)
- Accepter (to accept)
- Refaire (to redo)
- Reprendre (to resume/start again)
- Continuer (to continue)
- Interrompre (to interrupt)
- Échanger (to exchange)
- Utiliser (to use)
- Aider (to help)
- Soigner (to care for/treat)
- Guérir (to heal)
- Soulager (to relieve)
- Conforter (to comfort)
- Soutenir (to support)
- Encourager (to encourage)
- Convaincre (to convince)
- Éduquer (to educate)
- Instruire (to instruct)
- Former (to train)
- Enseigner (to teach)
- Apprendre (to learn)
By mastering these 101 verbs, you’ll have a solid foundation for building your French vocabulary and communicating effectively in a variety of situations.
As you continue to learn, you can add more verbs to your list and expand your ability to express yourself in the language.