French Basics for Beginners: Question words
French is one of the most popular and widely spoken languages in the world.
If you are a beginner learning French, understanding the question words is crucial in order to be able to communicate and comprehend the language.
In this lesson, we will discuss the most common French question words and their meanings.
Γ quoi (ah kwah) – To what
Γ quel moment (ah kehl moh-mawn) – At what time
Γ qui (ah kee) – To whom
Avec quoi (ah-vek kwah) – With what
Avec qui (ah-vek kee) – With whom
Combien (kawn-bee-ahn) – How much/How many
Combien de temps (kawn-bee-ahn duh tawn) – How long
Comment (kom-mawn) – How
Comment (kom-mawn) – How
De quoi (duh kwah) – From what
De qui (duh kee) – From whom
OΓΉ (oo) – Where
Pour quoi (poor kwah) – For what
Pour qui (poor kee) – For whom
Pourquoi (poor-kwah) – Why
Quand (kawn) – When
Que (kuh) – What
Quel (kehl) – Which/What
Quoi (kwah) – What
Qui (kee) – Who
With these question words, you will be able to create basic questions that are essential for everyday communication.
For example, you can ask “Qui est-ce?” to ask “Who is it?“, “OΓΉ habitez-vous?” to ask “Where do you live?” or “Comment Γ§a va?” to ask “How are you?“
As you continue to learn French, it is important to keep practicing the question words and incorporating them into your conversations. With time and practice, you will be able to communicate in French more effectively and confidently.