French CLEP exam test
The following quiz consists of 10 different questions covering various aspects of the French language, as they might appear on the French CLEP exam.
This quiz will test your knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and listening skills.
Please note that a real CLEP exam is more comprehensive and requires audio components for the listening section.
- Select the correct translation for the following sentence: “I have two cats.”a. J’ai deux chats. b. J’ai deux chiens. c. Tu as deux chats. d. Il y a deux chats.
- Choose the correct form of the verb “aller” (to go) for the subject “il” (he) in the present tense.a. vais b. vas c. va d. vont
- Select the appropriate preposition to complete the sentence: “Nous allons ____ le cinéma.”a. à b. au c. à la d. aux
- Match the correct French translation to the English word: “Rainy”a. Ensoleillé b. Nuageux c. Pluvieux d. Neigeux
- Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: “Ils ____ brossent les dents.”a. me b. te c. se d. nous
- Choose the correct past participle of the verb “finir” (to finish) in the passé composé.a. finé b. finis c. fini d. finu
- Read the following sentence and choose the correct English translation: “Elle cuisine souvent des plats délicieux.”a. She cooks delicious dishes often. b. She cooked a delicious dish. c. She is cooking a delicious dish. d. She will cook delicious dishes.
- Select the correct plural form of the French adjective “beau” (beautiful).a. beaus b. beaux c. bels d. beles
- Identify the correct agreement of the past participle with the subject in this sentence: “Les voitures qu’ils ont _____ sont rapides.” (The cars that they rented are fast.)a. loué b. louée c. louées d. loués
- Choose the correct translation for the following question: “How is the weather?”a. Quel âge avez-vous ? b. Quelle heure est-il ? c. Quel temps fait-il ? d. Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Please note that the answers are provided below.
Do not look at the answers until you have completed the quiz to get an accurate assessment of your knowledge.
- 1-a
- 2-c
- 3-b
- 4-c
- 5-c
- 6-c
- 7-a
- 8-b
- 9-c
- 10-c