French comprehension test
Instructions: Read the text below carefully and answer the following questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Text :
Hier, Marie a décidé d’aller au marché pour acheter des légumes frais. Elle avait besoin de tomates, de poivrons et d’oignons pour préparer une ratatouille. En chemin, elle a rencontré son ami Pierre, qui lui a conseillé d’acheter également des courgettes et des aubergines. Marie a donc acheté tous les légumes nécessaires pour préparer ce délicieux plat provençal.
Questions :
- Where did Mary go yesterday?
- What vegetables did Mary initially want to buy?
- Who did Mary meet on the way?
- What additional vegetables did he suggest she buy?
- What dish does Mary plan to make with these vegetables?
- Marie went to the market.
- She wanted to buy tomatoes, peppers and onions.
- She met her friend Peter.
- He suggested she buy courgettes and aubergines.
- She plans to make a ratatouille.
This French comprehension test assesses the ability to read and understand a short text in French.