10 French quotes about life
The French language is known for its sophistication and elegance, and this extends to its philosophy on life.
French quotes about life offer wisdom and insight into the human condition and offer a unique perspective on the world.
Here are 10 French quotes about life that offer timeless wisdom and inspiration:
1. “La vie est un mystère qu’il faut vivre, et non un problème à résoudre.” – Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. (Oscar Wilde)
This quote suggests that life should be experienced rather than analyzed or understood.
2. “La vie est trop courte pour la passer à se lamenter sur les choses qui ne vont pas.” – Life is too short to spend it complaining about things that are wrong. (Voltaire)
This quote emphasizes the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of life rather than dwelling on the negative.
3. “Le bonheur n’est pas un but en soi, c’est un moyen de faire quelque chose de bon.” – Happiness is not an end in itself, it’s a means of doing something good. (Albert Schweitzer)
This quote suggests that happiness is a byproduct of doing good and making a positive impact on the world.
4. “La vie est un voyage, non une destination.” – Life is a journey, not a destination. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
This quote suggests that life is about the experiences and growth that come with it, rather than the end goal.
5. “La vie est un cadeau, c’est pourquoi on l’appelle une présent.” – Life is a gift, that’s why it’s called a present. (Bill Keane)
This quote suggests that life should be appreciated and treasured, rather than taken for granted.
6. “La vie est une œuvre d’art, et chaque jour en est un nouveau pinceau.” – Life is a work of art, and each day is a new brushstroke. (Paulo Coelho)
This quote suggests that life is a creative journey, with each day being a new opportunity to make an impact.
7. “La vie est trop courte pour la gaspiller à faire des choses que l’on n’aime pas.” – Life is too short to waste it doing things you don’t like. (Albert Einstein)
This quote emphasizes the importance of pursuing passions and interests, rather than simply following obligations or expectations.
8. “La vie est un cheminement, pas une course.” – Life is a journey, not a race. (Confucius)
This quote suggests that life should be experienced at a comfortable pace, rather than rushing to reach a certain destination.
9. “La vie est comme un livre, avec des chapitres qui se terminent et de nouveaux qui commencent.” – Life is like a book, with chapters that end and new ones that begin. (Unknown)
This quote suggests that life is a series of experiences and opportunities, with each new chapter offering new possibilities.
10. “La vie n’est pas une chose à attendre, c’est quelque chose à créer.” – Life is not something to wait for, it’s something to create. (Unknown)
This quote suggests that life should be actively shaped and molded, rather than simply waiting for things to happen. It encourages individuals to take control of their own lives and make their own destiny, rather than simply being passive observers.
These 10 French quotes about life offer a wealth of wisdom and inspiration for anyone seeking to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.
From embracing the present moment, to taking control of one’s own destiny, to the importance of relationships and connections, these quotes provide valuable insights and perspectives on what it means to live a life of purpose and happiness.
Whether you are just starting out on your life journey, or are well on your way, these quotes are sure to offer guidance, encouragement, and inspiration along the way. So embrace these timeless truths, and make the most of each and every day!