10 French sayings about marriage

French sayings about marriage

Marriage is a cherished institution in French culture, and the country has a rich tradition of sayings and expressions related to this topic.

Here are 10 popular French sayings about marriage:

1. “Le mariage est une longue ascension à deux.”

– Marriage is a long ascent for two.

2. “Le mariage, c’est l’union d’un cœur à deux têtes.”

– Marriage is the union of one heart with two heads.

3. “Le mariage est un long voyage à deux.”

– Marriage is a long journey for two.

4. “Le mariage, c’est la rencontre de deux tempéraments pour ne faire plus qu’un.”

– Marriage is the meeting of two temperaments to become one.

5. “Le mariage, c’est deux cœurs qui battent comme un.”

– Marriage is two hearts beating as one.

6. “Le mariage est un art de vivre à deux.”

– Marriage is an art of living for two.

7. “Le mariage, c’est un bouquet de fleurs qui ne se fanera jamais.”

– Marriage is a bouquet of flowers that will never wilt.

8. “Le mariage est un long poème d’amour à deux.”

– Marriage is a long love poem for two.

9. “Le mariage, c’est la mer et la montagne qui s’unissent.”

– Marriage is the sea and the mountain that unite.

10. “Le mariage, c’est l’amour qui se passe de mots.”

– Marriage is love that passes without words.

In conclusion, French sayings about marriage reflect the country’s view of this institution as a cherished and important aspect of life.

Whether it’s through the union of two hearts, a long journey, or an art of living, French culture recognizes the significance of marriage and the role it plays in building strong relationships.

These expressions are a reminder of the importance of love, commitment, and companionship in marriage.


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