French stressed pronouns: Moi, toi, lui, eux (Lesson + examples)
Stressed pronouns in French are used to add emphasis to a sentence and distinguish the subject from the object. In this lesson, we will focus on eight common stressed pronouns in French: moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, and elles.
- Moi:
- Moi, je parle français (As for me, I speak French)
- C’est moi qui ai raison (It’s me who is right)
Note: Moi is used to add emphasis to the subject, or to distinguish the subject from others in the sentence.
- Toi:
- Toi, tu aimes le fromage (You, you like cheese)
- C’est toi qui as fait ça (It’s you who did that)
Note: Toi is used to add emphasis to the subject, or to distinguish the subject from others in the sentence.
- Lui:
- Lui, il parle espagnol (He, he speaks Spanish)
- C’est lui qui a gagné (It’s him who won)
Note: Lui is used to add emphasis to the subject, or to distinguish the subject from others in the sentence.
- Elle:
- Elle, elle parle allemand (She, she speaks German)
- C’est elle qui a fini le livre (It’s her who finished the book)
Note: Elle is used to add emphasis to the subject, or to distinguish the subject from others in the sentence.
- Nous:
- Nous, nous aimons la musique (We, we like music)
- C’est nous qui avons fait les courses (It’s us who did the shopping)
Note: Nous is used to add emphasis to the subject, or to distinguish the subject from others in the sentence.
- Vous:
- Vous, vous parlez anglais (You, you speak English)
- C’est vous qui avez réservé la table (It’s you who made the reservation)
Note: Vous is used to add emphasis to the subject, or to distinguish the subject from others in the sentence.
- Eux:
- Eux, ils parlent espagnol (They, they speak Spanish)
- C’est eux qui ont réussi (It’s them who succeeded)
Note: Eux is used to add emphasis to the subject, or to distinguish the subject from others in the sentence.
- Elles:
- Elles, elles parlent italien (They, they speak Italian)
- C’est elles qui ont gagné le concours (It’s them who won the contest)
Note: Elles is used to add emphasis to the subject, or to distinguish the subject from others in the sentence.
It is important to note that in French, the stressed pronoun always comes before the verb. The position of the pronoun can change the meaning of the sentence, so it’s important to pay close attention to its placement.
In conclusion, using stressed pronouns in French is an important tool for expressing emphasis and adding clarity to your sentences.
By using moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, and elles, you can distinguish the subject from the object, and add emphasis to your sentences.