French Vocabulary List: Marine animals and fishes
- Fish: Poisson
- Shark: Requin
- Dolphin: Dauphin
- Whale: Baleine
- Octopus: Poulpe
- Crab: Crabe
- Lobster: Homard
- Shrimp: Crevette
- Squid: Calmar
- Seahorse: Hippocampe
- Starfish: Étoile de mer
- Jellyfish: Méduse
- Swordfish: Espadon
- Tuna: Thon
- Salmon: Saumon
- Sardine: Sardine
- Trout: Truite
- Eel: Anguille
- Clam: Palourde
- Oyster: Huître
This list includes some of the most common marine animals and fishes in French. Knowing these words can be helpful for anyone interested in the marine world or for those who plan on traveling to French-speaking countries with coastal areas.