10 Funny sayings in French

10 Funny sayings in French

French is not only known for its beauty and elegance, but also for its humor and wit, which can be seen in its sayings and expressions.

Here are ten funny French sayings that will add a touch of humor to your conversations:

1. “Les bonnes choses viennent à ceux qui attendent, mais les meilleures choses viennent à ceux qui vont les chercher.”

Good things come to those who wait, but the best things come to those who go and get them.

2. “Si tu veux être heureux, sois-le. Les gens vont s’y habituer.”

If you want to be happy, be happy. People will get used to it.

3. “Les rêves se réalisent souvent par hasard, alors que les projets s’accomplissent par détermination.”

Dreams often come true by chance, while projects are accomplished through determination.

4. “L’homme propose, et la femme dispose.”

Man proposes, woman disposes.

5. “L’habit ne fait pas le moine.”

Clothes do not make the man.

6. “Il vaut mieux se taire et passer pour un imbécile que de parler et de ne laisser aucun doute à ce sujet.”

It is better to keep quiet and be thought an idiot than to speak and remove all doubt.

7. “Si vous voulez être sûr de ne jamais avoir tort, ne dites jamais rien.”

If you want to be sure never to be wrong, never say anything.

8. “La beauté est éphémère, mais la stupidité est éternelle.”

Beauty is fleeting, but stupidity is eternal.

9. “Il y a toujours un plus grand idiot que vous, mais il est rarement disponible pour une conversation.”

There is always someone stupider than you, but they’re rarely available for a conversation.

10. “Les erreurs sont des escaliers, pas des murs.”

Mistakes are stairs, not walls.

These funny French sayings are sure to bring a smile to your face and will add a lighthearted touch to your conversations in French.

Whether you’re trying to make someone laugh or simply looking to add a touch of humor to your day, these sayings are a great way to do it.


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