How to pronounce “cedilla” in French?

How to pronounce cedilla in French

The cedilla is a diacritical mark that appears under certain letters in the French alphabet.

It changes the pronunciation of the letter and is an essential aspect of the French language.

In this lesson, we will explore how to pronounce “cedilla” in French.

The cedilla is a small hook-like symbol that appears under the letter “c” in French.

It changes the pronunciation of the letter from “k” to “s.”

For example, the word “façade” is pronounced as “fah-sahd,” and not “fah-kahd.”

When the cedilla appears under the letter “c,” it indicates that the letter should be pronounced as “s” in front of the vowels “a,” “o,” and “u.”

For example, the word “garçon” is pronounced as “gahr-sawn,” and not “gahr-kawn.”

It’s also important to note that the cedilla is not used in all French words that contain the letter “c.”

For example, the word “café” is pronounced as “kah-fey,” without the cedilla.

In conclusion, the cedilla is a crucial aspect of the French language and changes the pronunciation of the letter “c” from “k” to “s.”

When the cedilla appears under the letter “c,” it indicates that the letter should be pronounced as “s” in front of certain vowels.

Practice pronouncing words with the cedilla, and you’ll be able to speak French like a native in no time!


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