Most common -ir verbs in French
French is a language rich in verbs, and it is essential to have a good understanding of them to master the language. One of the most common verb endings in French is -ir, which is found in many frequently used verbs. In this post, we will introduce the most common -ir verbs in French, along with their meanings.
- Finir – to finish
- Choisir – to choose
- Réfléchir – to reflect, to think
- Remplir – to fill
- Grandir – to grow
- Rougir – to blush
- Réussir – to succeed
- Punir – to punish
- Grossir – to gain weight
- Établir – to establish
- Maigrir – to lose weight
- Obtenir – to obtain
- Agir – to act
- Vieillir – to age
- Bâtir – to build
- Réunir – to gather, to unite
- Fournir – to provide
- Réagir – to react
- Investir – to invest
- Finir – to finish
- Choisir – to choose
- Réfléchir – to reflect, to think
- Remplir – to fill
- Grandir – to grow
- Rougir – to blush
- Réussir – to succeed
- Punir – to punish
- Grossir – to gain weight
- Établir – to establish
- Maigrir – to lose weight
These verbs are all regular -ir verbs, meaning that they follow the same conjugation pattern. Here is an example of the present tense conjugation of finir:
Je finis – I finish Tu finis – You finish Il/Elle/On finit – He/She/One finishes Nous finissons – We finish Vous finissez – You (plural) finish Ils/Elles finissent – They finish
As you can see, the -ir ending is removed and replaced with the appropriate conjugation ending.
In conclusion, the -ir verb family is an essential part of the French language. By mastering these verbs and their conjugation patterns, you will have a solid foundation for expressing yourself in French. Take the time to practice and familiarize yourself with these verbs, and you will be well on your way to becoming a fluent French speaker.