10 Romantic phrases in French

10 Romantic phrases in French

Here are 10 romantic phrases in French to add to your vocabulary:

1. Ton sourire illumine ma journée. – Your smile brightens my day.

This phrase is a lovely way to express how much your partner’s smile means to you.

2. Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de toi. – I am in love with you.

This is a direct way to express your love and feelings for your partner.

3. Je t’aimerai pour toujours. – I will love you forever.

This phrase is a powerful and meaningful way to express the depth of your love.

4. Ton regard me fait fondre. – Your gaze makes me melt.

This is a romantic way to express the effect your partner’s gaze has on you.

5. J’ai besoin de toi. – I need you.

This phrase expresses the importance your partner has in your life.

6. Tu es tout pour moi. – You are everything to me.

This phrase is a way to express how important your partner is in your life.

7. J’ai besoin de ta présence. – I need your presence.

This is a sweet way to express how much you value being around your partner.

8. Tu es mon ange. – You are my angel.

This phrase is a way to express how much your partner means to you and how much they help and guide you.

9. Je suis chanceux/chanceuse de t’avoir dans ma vie. – I am lucky to have you in my life.

This phrase expresses gratitude and appreciation for your partner’s presence in your life.

10. Je suis accro à toi. – I am addicted to you.

This phrase is a playful and slightly teasing way to express how much you love being around your partner.

Learning and using these romantic French phrases is a great way to show your partner how much you care and to add some romance to your relationship. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just starting out, these phrases can help you express your love and affection in a beautiful way.

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