10 Simple sentences in French: How to talk about hobbies
Talking about hobbies is a great way to get to know someone and build connections. Whether you’re traveling or living in a French-speaking country, it’s important to know how to talk about your hobbies and ask others about theirs.
In this lesson, we will explore ten simple sentences in French for discussing hobbies.
Quel est ton passe-temps préféré ? (What is your favorite hobby?)
Use this phrase to ask someone about their favorite hobby.
J’aime jouer de la guitare. (I like playing guitar.)
Use this phrase to communicate your preference for a particular hobby.
Quand est-ce que tu pratiques ton passe-temps ? (When do you practice your hobby?)
Use this phrase to ask someone about the frequency and timing of their hobby.
J’aime faire des randonnées. (I like hiking.)
Use this phrase to communicate your preference for a particular outdoor activity.
Tu joues dans une équipe ? (Do you play on a team?)
Use this phrase to ask someone about their participation in a particular sport or activity.
Je collectionne des timbres. (I collect stamps.)
Use this phrase to communicate your hobby of collecting.
Est-ce que tu aimes lire ? (Do you like reading?)
Use this phrase to ask someone about their interest in reading.
Je fais de la poterie. (I do pottery.)
Use this phrase to communicate your hobby of creating pottery.
Quel est le dernier livre que tu as lu ? (What is the last book you read?)
Use this phrase to ask someone about their recent reading material.
Je suis passionné(e) de photographie. (I am passionate about photography.)
Use this phrase to express your enthusiasm and passion for a particular hobby.
In conclusion, these ten simple sentences in French for discussing hobbies can help you build connections with others while traveling or living in a French-speaking country. Whether you’re discussing a favorite pastime, asking about the frequency of someone’s hobby, or expressing your passion for a particular activity, these phrases will help you navigate your conversations in French.
With practice, you will be able to use these phrases effortlessly and communicate confidently about your hobbies in a French-speaking environment.