10 Useful French phrases: Making an estimate

10 Useful French phrases: Making an estimate

Making an estimate is an essential part of communication, especially in business and trade.

In this lesson, we will explore ten useful French phrases for making an estimate.

  1. Quel est le prix total ? (What is the total price?)

Use this phrase to ask for the total price of an item or service.

  1. Combien coûte cela ? (How much does this cost?)

Use this phrase to ask for the cost of a particular item or service.

  1. Pouvez-vous me donner un devis ? (Can you give me a quote?)

Use this phrase to ask for a quote or estimate for a particular service or project.

  1. À combien estimez-vous le coût de ce projet ? (What do you estimate the cost of this project to be?)

Use this phrase to ask for an estimate of the cost of a particular project.

  1. Les frais sont-ils inclus dans le prix ? (Are the fees included in the price?)

Use this phrase to ask if any additional fees are included in the price.

  1. Le tarif est-il négociable ? (Is the price negotiable?)

Use this phrase to ask if the price is open to negotiation.

  1. Je suis intéressé(e), pouvez-vous m’en dire plus sur le prix ? (I am interested, can you tell me more about the price?)

Use this phrase to express interest in a particular item or service and ask for more information about the price.

  1. Je peux faire une offre de combien ? (How much can I offer?)

Use this phrase to ask how much you can offer for a particular item or service.

  1. Quel est le coût horaire de votre service ? (What is the hourly cost of your service?)

Use this phrase to ask for the hourly cost of a particular service.

  1. Nous devons respecter notre budget. (We need to stick to our budget.)

Use this phrase to express the need to stick to a particular budget.

In conclusion, these ten useful French phrases for making an estimate can help you communicate effectively and confidently in business and trade. Whether you need to ask for a total price, a quote or estimate, negotiate the price, or express the need to stick to a budget, these phrases will help you navigate your conversations in French. With practice, you will be able to use these phrases effortlessly and communicate effectively in a French-speaking environment.

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