10 Useful French phrases: Talking about charts and statistics

10 Useful French phrases: Talking about charts and statistics

If you’re working in a professional or academic context, you may need to talk about charts and statistics in French.

In this lesson, we’ll go over 10 useful French phrases for talking about charts and statistics.

Cette courbe montre _____. (This chart shows ___.)
This phrase is used to describe the information or data represented on a chart or graph.

Les données montrent une tendance à la hausse. (The data shows an upward trend.)
This phrase is used to describe a trend or pattern in the data.

D’après les statistiques, _____. (According to the statistics, ___.)
This phrase is used to present information based on the data.

Les chiffres indiquent que _____. (The figures indicate that ___.)
This phrase is used to describe the data or numbers represented on a chart or graph.

Cette colonne représente _____. (This column represents ___.)
This phrase is used to identify a specific part of a chart or graph.

Le pourcentage de ____ a augmenté/baissé de ____ pourcent. (The percentage of ___ has increased/decreased by ___ percent.)
This phrase is used to describe a change in a specific data point.

Le graphe met en évidence les différences entre ____ et ____. (The graph highlights the differences between ___ and ___.)
This phrase is used to describe a comparison between two data points.

Les résultats de cette étude ont été représentés par un diagramme en barres. (The results of this study were represented by a bar chart.)
This phrase is used to describe the type of chart or graph used to represent the data.

Les chiffres ont été arrondis à ____ décimales. (The numbers were rounded to ____ decimal places.)
This phrase is used to describe how the data was presented.

Ces résultats sont significatifs à un niveau de confiance de ____ pourcent. (These results are significant at a confidence level of ___ percent.)
This phrase is used to describe the level of confidence in the data or results.

Learning these useful French phrases can help you effectively communicate about charts and statistics in a professional or academic context. Additionally, it’s helpful to learn some basic French vocabulary related to data and analysis, such as different types of graphs or methods of statistical analysis. With practice and persistence, you’ll soon be able to speak confidently about charts and statistics in French.

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