What to say instead of ‘Je pense que’ in French

Advance Your French Expression: Beyond ‘Je pense que’ with 20 Alternatives

In the journey of mastering French, finding ways to diversify your language and express yourself more naturally is a pivotal step.

While “Je pense que” is a commonly used phrase to express one’s thoughts or opinions, relying too heavily on it can make your French sound repetitive and basic.

To help you sound more like a native and enrich your language skills, here are 20 advanced alternatives to “Je pense que,” complete with examples to integrate them into your daily conversations seamlessly.

  1. À mon avis, (In my opinion,)
    • À mon avis, Paris est la plus belle ville du monde. (In my opinion, Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.)
  2. Selon moi, (According to me,)
    • Selon moi, la cuisine française est la meilleure. (According to me, French cuisine is the best.)
  3. Je trouve que (I find that)
    • Je trouve que ce livre est très intéressant. (I find that this book is very interesting.)
  4. Je suis d’avis que (I am of the opinion that)
    • Je suis d’avis que nous devrions partir plus tôt. (I am of the opinion that we should leave earlier.)
  5. Je considère que (I consider that)
    • Je considère que tu as fait le bon choix. (I consider that you have made the right choice.)
  6. Il me semble que (It seems to me that)
    • Il me semble que tu as raison. (It seems to me that you are right.)
  7. D’après moi, (According to me,)
    • D’après moi, il va pleuvoir demain. (According to me, it is going to rain tomorrow.)
  8. Je crois que (I believe that)
    • Je crois que nous sommes sur la bonne voie. (I believe that we are on the right path.)
  9. J’estime que (I estimate that)
    • J’estime que ce projet prendra deux semaines. (I estimate that this project will take two weeks.)
  10. Je suis convaincu que (I am convinced that)
    • Je suis convaincu que la technologie peut améliorer notre qualité de vie. (I am convinced that technology can improve our quality of life.)
  11. Il est clair pour moi que (It is clear to me that)
    • Il est clair pour moi que nous devons agir maintenant. (It is clear to me that we must act now.)
  12. Je suis certain que (I am certain that)
    • Je suis certain que tu réussiras. (I am certain that you will succeed.)
  13. Je suppose que (I suppose that)
    • Je suppose que tu seras occupé demain. (I suppose that you will be busy tomorrow.)
  14. Je pressens que (I have a feeling that)
    • Je pressens que quelque chose de grand va se passer. (I have a feeling that something big is going to happen.)
  15. Il m’apparaît que (It appears to me that)
    • Il m’apparaît que nous avons oublié quelque chose. (It appears to me that we have forgotten something.)
  16. Je présume que (I presume that)
    • Je présume que la réunion a été annulée. (I presume that the meeting was canceled.)
  17. Je suis persuadé que (I am persuaded that)
    • Je suis persuadé que nous pouvons résoudre ce problème ensemble. (I am persuaded that we can solve this problem together.)
  18. Je soutiens que (I maintain that)
    • Je soutiens que cette politique sera bénéfique à long terme. (I maintain that this policy will be beneficial in the long term.)
  19. Je concède que (I concede that)
    • Je concède que ton argument a du mérite. (I concede that your argument has merit.)
  20. J’admets que (I admit that)
    • J’admets que j’ai peut-être tort. (I admit that I may be wrong.)

By integrating these expressions into your French vocabulary, you’ll not only sound more sophisticated and nuanced but also enjoy a richer, more engaging conversational experience.

Practice using them in different contexts to fully grasp their nuances and enhance your fluency. Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

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