Common French phrases: talking about how you feel

Common French phrases: talking about how you feel

Being able to express how you feel is an important aspect of communicating with others, and it’s no different when learning French.

In this lesson, we’ll go over some common French phrases for talking about how you feel.

Je me sens bien. (I feel good.)
This phrase is used to express a positive feeling or emotion.

Je suis content(e). (I am happy.)
This phrase is used to express a feeling of happiness.

Je suis triste. (I am sad.)
This phrase is used to express a feeling of sadness.

J’ai peur. (I am scared.)
This phrase is used to express a feeling of fear.

Je suis en colère. (I am angry.)
This phrase is used to express a feeling of anger.

J’ai mal à la tête. (I have a headache.)
This phrase is used to describe physical discomfort.

J’ai mal au dos. (I have a backache.)
This phrase is also used to describe physical discomfort.

Je suis fatigué(e). (I am tired.)
This phrase is used to express a feeling of tiredness.

J’ai de la fièvre. (I have a fever.)
This phrase is used to describe a physical symptom.

Je me sens stressé(e). (I feel stressed.)
This phrase is used to express a feeling of stress or anxiety.

Learning these common French phrases can help you express how you feel and communicate with others.

Additionally, it’s helpful to learn some basic French vocabulary related to health and wellness, such as different body parts and common symptoms.

With practice and persistence, you’ll soon be able to speak confidently about how you feel in French.

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