How to do Present Participles in French |

Understanding and Using the French Present Participle

The French present participle is a form of the verb that can be used to describe actions happening simultaneously with the present moment. It is formed by taking the infinitive of the verb and adding -ant to the end.

  1. Rules: There are a few simple rules to keep in mind when forming the French present participle:
  • For regular verbs, simply add -ant to the end of the infinitive form of the verb.
  • For verbs ending in -ger or -cer, the -g- or -c- must be changed to -geant or -çant, respectively, in order to keep the pronunciation correct.
  • For verbs ending in -yer, the -y- must be changed to -iant in order to keep the pronunciation correct.
  1. Examples: Here are some examples of the French present participle in action:
  • Parlant (speaking): Je suis en train de parler au téléphone. (I am speaking on the phone.)
  • Achant (singing): Les enfants sont en train de chanter. (The children are singing.)
  • Mangiant (eating): Il est en train de manger un sandwich. (He is eating a sandwich.)
  • Regardant (looking): Nous sommes en train de regarder un film. (We are watching a movie.)
  1. Uses: The French present participle can be used in a number of different ways, including:
  • To describe actions happening simultaneously with the present moment: Je suis en train de faire mes devoirs. (I am doing my homework.)
  • To describe a series of actions happening one after the other: En marchant dans la rue, je vois un chat, puis un chien. (Walking down the street, I see a cat, then a dog.)
  • To create compound tenses, such as the past participle: Ayant fini mes devoirs, je peux sortir. (Having finished my homework, I can go out.)

The French present participle is a versatile form of the verb that is useful for describing actions happening in the present moment and for creating complex tenses. By understanding the rules and examples of the French present participle, you’ll be able to use this form of the verb with confidence and precision in your French communications.


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