10 French sayings about family

10 French sayings about family

Family is an important aspect of French culture, and this is reflected in the various sayings and expressions used to describe family relationships.

Here are 10 popular French sayings about family:

1. “La famille c’est pour la vie.”

– Family is for life.

2. “On ne choisit pas sa famille, mais on peut choisir ses amis.”

– We don’t choose our family, but we can choose our friends.

3. “La famille c’est la richesse de la vie.”

– Family is the wealth of life.

4. “La famille c’est ce qui reste quand tout le reste s’en va.”

– Family is what remains when everything else is gone.

5. “Le sang est plus épais que l’eau.”

– Blood is thicker than water.

6. “Le bonheur de la famille c’est le bonheur de tout le monde.”

– The happiness of the family is the happiness of everyone.

7. “La famille c’est là où commence le bonheur.”

– Family is where happiness begins.

8. “La famille c’est ce qui nous donne des racines et des ailes.”

– Family is what gives us roots and wings.

9. “On ne peut pas choisir sa famille, mais on peut choisir de l’aimer.”

– We can’t choose our family, but we can choose to love them.

10. “La famille c’est ce qui nous donne la force de continuer.”

– Family is what gives us the strength to keep going.

In conclusion, French sayings about family highlight the importance of family ties, love, and support.

These expressions serve as a reminder of the lasting impact of family relationships and the strength that can be gained from them.

Whether it is through joys or sorrows, French culture emphasizes the importance of family and the bonds that connect us to our loved ones.



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