10 Key phrases in French: Talking about possibilities
When communicating in French, it’s important to know how to discuss possibilities in a variety of contexts.
In this lesson, we will explore ten key phrases in French for talking about possibilities.
- Est-ce possible ? (Is it possible?)
Use this phrase to ask about the feasibility of a particular situation or action.
- Peut-être que oui, peut-être que non. (Maybe yes, maybe no.)
Use this phrase to express uncertainty about a situation or possibility.
- Il y a une chance que ça arrive. (There’s a chance it could happen.)
Use this phrase to express the possibility of a particular event or outcome.
- Cela dépend de plusieurs facteurs. (It depends on several factors.)
Use this phrase to acknowledge that the likelihood of a particular outcome is dependent on various factors.
- Tout est possible. (Anything is possible.)
Use this phrase to express a belief in the potential for a particular outcome or situation.
- Je ne sais pas ce qui va se passer. (I don’t know what’s going to happen.)
Use this phrase to express uncertainty about a future event or outcome.
- On verra bien. (We’ll see.)
Use this phrase to express an open-minded or wait-and-see attitude about a situation.
- Si tout va bien, ça devrait marcher. (If everything goes well, it should work.)
Use this phrase to express conditional optimism about a particular outcome.
- Il est possible que je sois en retard. (It’s possible that I’ll be late.)
Use this phrase to acknowledge the possibility of a particular outcome, such as being late for an appointment.
- Nous devons envisager toutes les possibilités. (We need to consider all possibilities.)
Use this phrase to emphasize the importance of exploring all potential outcomes in a particular situation.
In conclusion, these ten key phrases in French for talking about possibilities can help you communicate effectively with French speakers about a variety of contexts, from expressing uncertainty to expressing optimism about a particular outcome. Whether you’re discussing a potential event, outcome, or situation, these phrases will help you navigate your conversations in French. With practice, you will be able to use these phrases effortlessly and communicate confidently in a French-speaking environment.