10 Key phrases in French: Talking about the future
If you plan to visit a French-speaking country or want to communicate with French speakers about future events, it’s essential to know some common French phrases for discussing the future.
In this lesson, we will explore ten key phrases in French for talking about the future.
- Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce week-end ? (What are you doing this weekend?)
Use this phrase to ask someone about their plans for the upcoming weekend.
- Je vais partir en vacances. (I am going on vacation.)
Use this phrase to communicate your plans for an upcoming vacation.
- Nous allons organiser une fête. (We are going to organize a party.)
Use this phrase to communicate your plans for an upcoming party or gathering.
- Demain, il va pleuvoir. (Tomorrow, it is going to rain.)
Use this phrase to communicate a weather forecast for an upcoming day.
- Dans deux semaines, je vais commencer un nouveau travail. (In two weeks, I am starting a new job.)
Use this phrase to communicate your plans for starting a new job.
- J’espère que nous pourrons nous revoir bientôt. (I hope we can see each other again soon.)
Use this phrase to express a desire to meet someone again in the near future.
- Nous allons déménager le mois prochain. (We are going to move next month.)
Use this phrase to communicate your plans for moving to a new location.
- Est-ce que tu vas venir à la réunion demain ? (Are you coming to the meeting tomorrow?)
Use this phrase to ask someone about their attendance at an upcoming meeting or event.
- Je vais étudier le français pendant six mois. (I am going to study French for six months.)
Use this phrase to communicate your plans for studying a language or pursuing a course of study.
- Je suis impatient(e) de voir ce que l’avenir nous réserve. (I am excited to see what the future holds.)
Use this phrase to express excitement and anticipation for the future.
In conclusion, these ten key phrases in French for talking about the future can help you communicate effectively with French speakers about upcoming events, plans, and desires. Whether you’re discussing a weekend plan, a weather forecast, or expressing excitement about the future, these phrases will help you navigate your interactions in French. With practice, you will be able to use these phrases effortlessly and communicate confidently in a French-speaking environment.