Sentences in French with english translation: Days of the week
Knowing the days of the week is essential for any language learner. Whether you’re scheduling appointments, making plans, or simply having conversations with others, knowing the days of the week in French can help you communicate effectively.
In this lesson, we will look at some sentences in French with English translations for the days of the week.
1. Lundi – Monday
“Je vais au travail lundi matin.” (I’m going to work on Monday morning.)
2. Mardi – Tuesday
“J’ai une réunion importante mardi après-midi.” (I have an important meeting on Tuesday afternoon.)
3. Mercredi – Wednesday
“Mercredi est mon jour de congé.” (Wednesday is my day off.)
4. Jeudi – Thursday
“Jeudi soir, je vais au cinéma avec des amis.” (On Thursday night, I’m going to the cinema with friends.)
5. Vendredi – Friday
“Je suis content que ce soit vendredi, c’est le week-end demain!” (I’m glad it’s Friday, the weekend is tomorrow!)
6. Samedi – Saturday
“Samedi après-midi, je vais faire du shopping.” (On Saturday afternoon, I’m going shopping.)
7. Dimanche – Sunday
“Dimanche, je vais rendre visite à ma famille.” (On Sunday, I’m going to visit my family.)
In conclusion, these are some sentences in French with English translations for the days of the week. By learning these sentences, you can effectively communicate about your plans, schedule appointments, and make arrangements with others.
Knowing the days of the week in French is a fundamental aspect of language learning, and with these sentences in your repertoire, you’ll be well-equipped to engage in meaningful conversations with French speakers.
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